Saturday, November 10, 2012


Time... a measurable concept in our live. 
How do we use our time?  How valuable it out time?  What do we do with the time we are given?
Time flies...
All in due time...
He doesn't know what time is...
Just a minute...
Just a second...
Marking time...
Stitch in time...
Time is running out...
Time is on your hands...

I never feel as if I have time on my hands.  I always seem to find something to do with my time.  Yesterday I actually found time on my day off to sit in the coffee shop and read a novel.  One that I have had on a waiting list for some time.  It has been really really popular and I only have 14 days to finish it. So I am under pressure to get it done. So I have to find the time!

I work as a librarian so I get to see a lot of books.  Working at the library for me is like a kid in the candy shop.  So many books, so little time.

I picked up the book "The First 20 Minutes: Surprising science reveals how we can exercise better, train smarter, live longer" by Gretchen Reynolds. I saw it on display at the library and thought it would give me some great insight into my running.  Great theory.  But it was way to detailed and way to wordy for me to spend the time to read.  When it comes to exercise books/life books/time management.  I want easy to read and concise.  Just the facts.  It took me more than 20 minutes to figure out what the authors main point was.  Don't waste my time. Time to move on.

So another blogger threw this concept out last week...Do you know what you do with your time?
Are you happy with the way you use your time?  Do you sacrifice time away from family and friends to get ahead at work?  Are you happy?
So I started to read the book " 168 Hours: you have more time than you think" by Laura Vanderkam
Now why would I be interested in this book?  I don't know.  I have a great 9-5 job that requires very little of me after hours.  I balance my job and work rather well.  I live 5 minutes from work and 5 minutes from my daughters school.  I exercise 4 days a week.  Keep the house relatively clean ( I like clean but I am not a clean freak) Have a great husband and daughter who help out around the house ( we believe in team work and the concept works for us) Son is off at college so the house and laundry have been a lot less!
I just thought it would be interesting to chart how I spent my day.  So I kept track of what I did each day in 1/2 hour increments.
Well I learned that I sleep about as many hours as I work.
I only spend 5-6 hours a week exercising.  I am not one to watch alot of television but I logged in 11 hours of T.V. time (ouch)
Lacking in my life: social time with friends. (ouch again) Except I do interact with people all through the week so maybe that one was just had to put into a time frame.  I talk to people about books and computers at work, I talk with people at church and bible study, I talk to the husband and daughter.
I haven't finished the book yet but I hope to gain more insight to share.
So have you ever tracked your time and how you use it?
Link to time tracker.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Season of Storms

It has been a busy week and I meant to blog on Tuesday but time got away from me.
This certainly has been a season of storms not only with the weather but with life in generally.

Three of my friends have sent cries out for prayer this week, for challenges and rocky times in their lives.  Sometimes we have challenges from our own decisions and mistakes that cause storms in our lives.  But the real emotional storms come when we have no idea why this should be happening (ie the illness or death of a child) We all soon or a later encounter storms in our life.  I just don't think we can go through life with out a few storms.

Storms challenge our faith. Storms cause us to look up to God for strength. Storms cause us to change and grow.  Storm stretch us outside our comfort zone.

Storms for the soul are like my doing a marathon. The marathon training caused my muscles and heart to be stretched and change and grow. Then I had to properly nourish my muscles with good food to continue to stay strong and perform a marathon.

After the marathon I knew that I wasn't the same person I was before.  I had reached and completed a challenging goal.  I was strengthened physically, spiritually, and mentally. I was a stronger more confident person. Would I have reached this place in my life had I not been challenged by the marathon?  Was it easy training or recovering?  But it was all worth it in the end.  When you can look back on it all and see the whole picture.

I pray for all of those out there who need prayer and have a storm in their life.  But I know that no one get out of this world unscathed. And I know, that God's not mad at you. But He can't leave us where we are at, we have to change and grow and be challenged outside of our comfort zone.  Then we have to dig into the Word of God to nourish our spiritual muscles and soul to continue on with strength.

There were a few time during the Marathon I thought, why should I go on?  I could just quit right here? Just give up? But I prayed for strength to go on. I knew there were others out there praying for me.  I got to a point in the marathon where I had to give it up and give it to God.  He pulled me through to the end.  I have a Savior who has suffered with us and for us.  He carried me through.  He will carry me through the storms of this life.

God said, "My power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:19

I pray for all those suffering after the Hurricane Sandy.  I pray for all those who's heart are hurting.  I pray for all of you.

God bless.